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2018 James D. Ulrich Award
Watch List

Niagara Track & Field Hall of Fame Annual Awards

Below find links to the Watch List for the James D. Ulrich Award (College Male Athlete of the Year - non-Division 1 Schools). Additions are welcome.

The Watch List for James D. Ulrich Award will be refined as more information becomes available. The list of finalists will be announced in July.

Note that only nominated athletes will be considered for this award. The status of athletes on this list is indicated by nominated for those for whom nominations have been received. If the athlete isn't nominated they will be removed from the watch list and / or others considered list. To prevent this, please either submit a nomination for those whom you know or encourage someone from the team (a coach or parent) to submit a nomination.

Nomination Form

Download and save the nomination form to your computer. This is a PDF file.

The form can be competed using Adobe Reader. Type the requested information into the form and save the file to your computer. Then, e-mail the form to

2018 Watch Lists

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